Wednesday, December 1, 2010

High School Organizers

High School

Key things to consider for 
High School organizers:

                                              Extra thinking Space
o   Graphic Organizers are the place to allow students to think freely and creatively, this is a nonthreatening way to explore ideas. Provide extra boxes so that students and hash out several solutions to the same problem. This accounts for student developmentally so they can begin to grasp the concept that there is more than one correct answer.

o   Make student do, what they can do, and push them to take their ideas and concepts further. 
                       Mixing Multiple Intelligence’s
o   Students think and learn in different ways.  Incorporate these different learning styles into your organizers, by have a space to list, a space to draw, a space to write and a space to narrative.  Think outside the box. Pun intended!
                        Don’t be afraid to have fun.
o   Just like, Middle Schooler, high schoolers also hate to admit that they love having fun with you. You can be fun and creative while also promoting higher-level thinking and idea building.
o   Just member, avoid that nasty meatball sundae, and make sure the organizer does just that, organizes!
                                                The best projects are conceptual!
o   Students learn the most and internalize their learning when they are able to conceptualize and explore their ideas fully.  Graphic organizers are a great tool to allow students to organize conceptual thought. 

Examples of High School Graphic Organizers:

Example of using a Graphic Organizer as an Assignment Sheet:

Sketches Organizer:

Artist Study Graphic Organizer:

Example of a project packet that includes Graphic Organizers:

* Please note more pages and boxes were provided for this packet as well.

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